Okay i wonder how many of you all have heard of the saying "Every 15 minutes and teen dies because of drinking and driving" Well my school puts on a program that has to do with that. They choose 24 seniors, 12 guys 12 girls, and they are simbolic dead for the rest of the day.They make sure that they get a diverse set of kids from different groups so that the program reachs out to every senior. When its your time to die the grim reaper comes and pulls you out of class and then a girl reads where you died and how its relivent to drinking and driving. Then you go and get white make up on your face and put on a black robe. For the rest of the day you dont speak to anyone. Inless you are talking to another dead person and in order to do that no one can see you. They want you to get into your roll. Your not suppose to smile or nod or do anything that an "Alive" person would do. I think its an exciting program and for the 24 seniors who are pratisipating incluing me it will be a day to remember for the rest of my life.