This a place to vent my frustrations and just have a great time
Published on March 3, 2004 By MidNiteLove In Humor
Man...I dont know how many of you all out there are in highschool but darn there is so much right now we are getting our scholl remodled and so the preps and jocks if thats what you want to call them have to go outside where the goths are...they started a huge figh because the preps didnt like the goths wearing all that black now we have all these kids wearing loads of black makeup on their face and arms and other bodys parts. Now the prinipal says that anyone who wears makeup in that way will get suspended (I dont think you can get suspended for that if its not interupting the classes...kinda like the blac arm band when the war was going on) But yea thats whats going on right now..tell me what you think...
The cute gal

on Mar 03, 2004

this was such a silly article. Not that you're silly, not at all. Just the stuff going on is silly.

Let me ask you, what categorie do you fall under?

Maybe none, hopefully actually.

on Mar 03, 2004
I dont think i fall in any catigory cause i have friends on both kinda the person who just sits back and watchs and only gets involved if i have to or if someone is going to get hurt.....
on Mar 03, 2004
hehehe, high school, glad I'm done with that. High school is one of the worst enviroments I think, its all about the clicks. Thank god things change once you leave it.
on Mar 03, 2004
clicks? what's that?

on Mar 03, 2004
I just want to get done with it...i couldve grad. last year but decided to stay on a year cause my bf at the time wanted me to and i had nothing else planned...i hate all the clicks that are going on and how people can be that selfish to other people....WHY CANT WE ALL GET ALONG..but that only happens in a perfict world and this isnt a perfict world.....3 more months till i am out and free
on Mar 03, 2004
A click would be like a group of people who stay together like preps, goths, drugys, geeks, etc...i dont know if i got that right but hope i did
on Mar 03, 2004
Not to sound like a wise-ass, but with that definition its a clique, if that helps trinitie...