This a place to vent my frustrations and just have a great time
My poem
Published on March 18, 2004 By MidNiteLove In Misc

How do I tell him what's really in my heart?
How will I know this won't tear us apart?
How do I know things will turn out right?
How do I know if he dreams of me every night?

How do I show him what I feel inside?
How do I forgive him for all the tears I've cried?
How will I find out if we could be more?
How do I know if this is what I'm praying for?

How can I say the 3 most beautiful words?
How can I speak to him... if I'm never heard?

on Mar 18, 2004
I like this. I'm in a situation something like this, and so is a friend of mine. It sucks, and it's scary, but I think it's worth a try.


on Mar 18, 2004
I think everthing is worth a try because if you dont know give it a try then youll never know what happens. But it also tears you apart sometimes its not worth it but im your heart if you think it is then it is....humm not sure if i make sense......
on Mar 18, 2004
Yeah, I definitely am in the market to take some more risks....nice poem....sounds like we be writin' about a lot of the same ish.
