This a place to vent my frustrations and just have a great time
By Elizabeth
Published on April 1, 2004 By MidNiteLove In
Crazy For You

When I first saw your face,
You captured my heart.
Seems like the whole world was gone,
And us two would never part.
Whenever I ran into you,
My heart would skip a beat.
Your glowing brown eyes
Could knock me off my feet.
I've tried everything
To get you to notice me.
Everyone knew what I was doing,
Anyone could see.
I've tried to start a conversation with you
In every possible way.
But you'd only talk to the pretty ones,
There's nothing I could say.
I guess I'm not popular,
I guess I'm not enough.
All I want is just a little bit-
Just a little bit of your love.
I'd give you my words,
My spirit, my soul.
But all you do is crush my heart
When it used to be a whole.
I'd stare and talk to you
Every chance I get.
Now all I wish
Is that we've never met.
Liking someone else
Is something I've tried.
But knowing you like other girls
Makes me do nothing but sob and cry.
You may call me crazy,
You may call me obsessed.
But whatever it is
Won't make me like you any less.
I've never liked anyone
Like the way I liked you before.
Everything you say and do
Makes me like you even more.

on Apr 01, 2004
Whoops spelled For wrong